Vermilion Parish Schools will be open on Thursday. We are still out surveying schools and doing lots of fixes to ensure our start tomorrow. I want to take this opportunity to shout out our maintenance department who have been deployed out on Monday, during the day on Tuesday and again today checking on our schools and getting them ready. Also a shout out to our admins and janitors who made it out today to check their schools.
It goes way beyond just saying schools are opened and closed in these weather events and we thank all of those involved in getting our facilities up and running.

Vermilion Parish Schools and central office will be closed on Wednesday, January 17th. We will be turning on water back at our facilities at noon tomorrow and will be checking for any issues the cold weather may have caused. School practices and games may resume tomorrow at 3 pm once the water has been turned back on.
Thank your for your cooperation in this matter.

Based on information from our outside weather folks, a concern from our water districts about a lack of water pressure and the inability to turn water back on at our facilities until temperatures are sustained above freezing, the Vermilion Parish School system will be closed on Wednesday. We will resume normal operations on Thursday. This will allow our central office and maintenance departments the ability to visit our schools tomorrow after lunch and troubleshoot any potential issues that the cold weather may have caused. Thank you for understanding and we appreciate your support in these efforts.

Out of an abundance of caution for our students and employees, the Vermilion Parish School System will be closed on Tuesday, January 16th. We will monitor the weather situation and make a decision about Wednesday around noon tomorrow.
We have been in contact with the National Weather Service and OEP as well as with other local school officials in an effort to make the best decision. Thank you for understanding and stay warm.

Here is the link to the January 14, 2024 newsletter from the Superintendent.

We want all to know that we are closely monitoring and are in contact with emergency officials and other school systems about our next weather event that could take place. Currently there is a forecast of evening and overnight rain on Monday evening with temperatures below freezing for portions of that forecast. After a slight rise in temp during the day on Tuesday, we are looking at a drop into the teens overnight on Tuesday into Wednesday.
We will be going into freeze protection mode Friday afternoon, with us being out of school on Monday, with a tentative plan of shutting off water on Monday morning. The issues that will arise is that until water is turned back on and we can assure that pipes are safe school is always in question. With the coldest temps expected for overnight Tuesday we will be put in a wait and see and make the best prediction mode. Please be patient with the decisions, but know that I will inform you on any cancellations if necessary. The safety of all stakeholders is always at the forefront of our decisions and that's why we build in weather days to our schedule.

First Sunday newsletter of 2024

Here is the link to the 2024-2025 School Calendar approved by the board last week.

Sunday Newsletter - 12/17/2023

Here is a link to December 10th Newsletter

Here is the link to the Sunday Scoop Newsletter.

Overnight rains in some areas have exceeded the projections we were given. Rainfall amounts are different in each part of our parish.
Schools are OPEN. If you are in one of the low lying areas and need to adjust times until you can evaluate roads to travel we will excuse late arrivals.
Bus routes may be a few minutes later than normal and some may have to alter routes in some areas. Again, we will use common sense when excusing lateness or absences because of flooding issues.
Thank you for your understanding and for making any adjustments thst may need to be made. This is one of those weather events that has different effects on different parts of the parish and doesnt have a one size fits all solution. Sorry for the inconvenience it may cause.
Superintendent Tommy Byler.

Here is the Sunday Newsletter from the Superintendent's Office.

Congratulations to Vermilion Parish Schools for their performance and their School Performance Score Ratings. Vermilion was #9 in the State and #1 in the Acadiana Area. Thank you to all students, teachers, administrators and support staffs for this outstanding accomplishment. Thank you also to all of our stakeholders for your support of our system.
Here is a link to the complete press release.

Here is the Sunday Scoop from the Supe newsletter for November 12th.

November 5th
Sunday Scoop with the Supe

Here is the Sunday Scoop newsletter. Take some time to share a shout out.

October 22 Superintendent newsletter

October 8, 2023 Newsletter

October 1, 2023 - Weekly Newsletter from the Central Office